Tuesday 21 January 2014

juicey musings.

Last week I did a 5 day juice detox... The World's Biggest Juice Detox nonetheless!

I've been interested in juicing for a little while, one of my friends introduced me to it last year... And I did a 3 day detox in December to shift a couple of stubborn lbs that I'd been wanted rid of for a while.

I'd signed up to some email newsletters back then from Jason Vale (the 'Juice Master'?!) and one popped into my inbox telling me about this World's Biggest Juice Detox.

I did a bit of research and it's a week in January where you follow Jason's 5lbs in 5 days plan, having 4 live juices and 1 shot per day.
After eating copious amounts of Christmas chocolate and French pastries over the winter period, I thought I'd give it a go as it sounded like just what I needed.

Pictured here is the 'Nature's Super Blend' juice from Day 4 #lookslikeslimeyettastesdivine

I downloaded the 5lbs in 5 days app, bought the book and the wall planner, got my juicer and my blender and organised several bottles and flasks before finally setting off to the supermarket on the Sunday to buy a great amount of fresh fruit and veg. My trolley looked fantastic with the rainbow of colours.

Monday morning was difficult as I had to get up stupidly early to make my breakfast, lunch and mid afternoon juices ready for the day... But as the week went by I got into a routine of prepping the fruit and veg the night before, getting up early to make my juice and cleaning the kitchen before heading out to work.

By Friday I was even out of bed at 6.30am without having to force myself to get up, I felt fantastic!

For some odd reason, my boss decided to join in... He's the least healthiest caffeine addict I know, but there's nothing like a bit of support from a colleague to get you through a challenge and I'm so proud of him for sticking to it.

Between the two of us we lost 12lbs and ended up liking herbal tea :) Something I never in a million years thought I would say.
I felt a lot less bloated and definitely saw the benefits on #flatstomachfriday after completing the 5 day plan.

All in all, my juicey experience was a very positive one and I hope to continue juicing for life. I'd highly recommend you give it a try.

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