Saturday 25 January 2014

a little house on bluebell.

Mine and Gareth's first home is a little three bed terraced in Lower Stondon 

It's nothing fancy, a fairly new property at eight years old... But with a fair bit of work to do!
Unfortunately the previous owner treated it like a hovel and being a single Dad with two kids... Well, you can imagine the mess we moved into.

After a weeks scrubbing and cleaning, we started to paint and decorate, we wanted to start with a blank canvas and then slowly put our stamp on it.
We started by ripping out all of the old curtains, carpet and vinyl flooring.
Cue many trips to the local tip later... We've now painted all of the walls white or pale grey, re-glossed the old yellowing gloss, changed the banisters and handrail on the stairs from a dark pine to a shiny white, carpeted the whole of the upstairs (at an eye-watering price) and laid new vinyl flooring in all of the bathrooms.
These things have made the BIGGEST difference, the house looks so much cleaner and fresher than when we first got the keys... It almost looks like a different house :)

We have a couple of larger hardware type things left to do... New taps in the bathrooms, new blinds, new doors, new light fittings... But for now it's time to start adding the little touches that give it a personality and make it our home, something which I've been looking forward to since we first looked round and nervously put the offer in over seven months ago.

Some of the colour schemes have already been decided on due to existing pieces, such as soft furnishings or artwork. But there are other rooms yet to be chosen... The exciting bit!
I have dreams of giving each room some individuality, whilst making sure the whole house flows and fits together at the same time.
So cue reading my new editions of Living Magazine, which Mum bought me a subscription to for Christmas. The articles have such dreamy houses and I'm taking snippets of inspiration from the ones I love.

I'll do a more detailed room-by-room style blog post later and shoot some photos for you to look at when we're more finished, but for now here's a little on our bluebell project.

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