Tuesday 21 January 2014

hello blogging.

So 2014 sees my foray into the world of blogging... Exciting times!
I have the intention to share with you anything I think remotely interesting in relation to fashion, interior design, food, health or just general musings about my life.
I'm open to developing my writing style and just seeing where things go...

I'm posting this from Morzine in France where I saw in the New Year with my family and boyfriend.

It's been a very relaxing week. Whilst I haven't been skiing (trust me it's not my thing), I have enjoyed much alpine air, hot tubbing and tasty food... The best bit has been having a break from the stresses of work and house buying, and spending time with the ones I love.

We're out here until tomorrow night, then we fly back from Geneva.
We bought our first house in December 2013 and are in the middle of decorating... So the weekend will be spent receiving new carpet for the upstairs and putting the rooms together when it's all in.
I'll keep you updated anyway... Bye for now :)

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