Sunday 11 May 2014

100 happy days.

So if you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I've been doing the #100happydays challenge :)
I saw it through a friend on Facebook and thought it sounded like a fun little photography project, which it definitely is!
Basically, it does what it says on the tin... You take a photograph of something that makes you happy, every day for 100 days. Then upload it to your chosen social media platform using the official hashtag, as well as any others you want.

I've taken so many more photos with my little iPhone than I normally would day to day and whilst it's no DSLR camera, I've taken some fun little snaps. Gareth features quite a few times, as does the odd bit of sumptuous food... It wouldn't be my Instagram feed without a few photos of food now would it. There's also a few graphic design projects, places I've been to and the odd gym related photo.
Here are a little selection of examples.

I've really enjoyed it, and whilst I haven't yet finished... I thought I'd give your the opportunity to go look it up and see what I'm up to.
You can find me at megan_e_cope or using the hashtag #meganecope100hd

It's definitely made me notice what makes me happy more and be in a better mood for it. I've tried not to be too materialistic, but there are some days where an awesome item has made me smile.
I must admit that somedays I've struggled to find things to photograph... You know the days when all you do is go to work then come home and veg out. But I guess those days are the ones when you really do need a little something to perk you up and make you smile.
I'm thinking of carrying it on past the 100 days... What do you think?

Anyway, what are you waiting for... Sign up here and join in!

Thanks for reading.

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