Sunday 11 May 2014

100 happy days.

So if you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I've been doing the #100happydays challenge :)
I saw it through a friend on Facebook and thought it sounded like a fun little photography project, which it definitely is!
Basically, it does what it says on the tin... You take a photograph of something that makes you happy, every day for 100 days. Then upload it to your chosen social media platform using the official hashtag, as well as any others you want.

I've taken so many more photos with my little iPhone than I normally would day to day and whilst it's no DSLR camera, I've taken some fun little snaps. Gareth features quite a few times, as does the odd bit of sumptuous food... It wouldn't be my Instagram feed without a few photos of food now would it. There's also a few graphic design projects, places I've been to and the odd gym related photo.
Here are a little selection of examples.

I've really enjoyed it, and whilst I haven't yet finished... I thought I'd give your the opportunity to go look it up and see what I'm up to.
You can find me at megan_e_cope or using the hashtag #meganecope100hd

It's definitely made me notice what makes me happy more and be in a better mood for it. I've tried not to be too materialistic, but there are some days where an awesome item has made me smile.
I must admit that somedays I've struggled to find things to photograph... You know the days when all you do is go to work then come home and veg out. But I guess those days are the ones when you really do need a little something to perk you up and make you smile.
I'm thinking of carrying it on past the 100 days... What do you think?

Anyway, what are you waiting for... Sign up here and join in!

Thanks for reading.

Thursday 8 May 2014

my top ten blogs to read.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, it's been a pretty hectic few weeks! I'm training for a 10K next weekend, we're moving offices at work and the D.I.Y. continues on our little home.
Anyway, I thought I'd do a quick post about the top ten blogs that I read. I check out most of these every couple of days and I love reading new posts from these ladies, so you might like them too.
If you have any suggestions for new blogs I might like, leave me a comment. I'm always up for noseying at a few more :)

1. Vivianna Does Makeup
This is a recent discovery of mine, but one I really love. I found this blog through a channel subscription on YouTube. Anna's videos are awesome :) I especially love watching her monthly make up based favourites, but her weekly vlogs are also really fun to watch.
Anna's style is impeccable. Very classic and modern... Think monochrome and lots of grown up chic... I would love to dress like this! She blogs about her outfits a fair amount as well as linking her fab videos.

2. Tanya Burr
Tanya's YouTube channel was my first obsession. I've learnt so many make up tips through it... But her blog is also great. I love looking at the photos she takes, especially when she's just pottering around in Norwich on a Sunday. You can't beat a good trip out for tea and cake.
Tanya has her own make up line, which includes lip glosses and nail polishes, and her blog post full of swatches was the most useful thing when I was trying to narrow down which ones to buy... Such a hard task as they're all so beautiful!

3. Nubby Twiglet
I discovered Shauna's blog through my friend Sophie, who runs hair accessory business extraordinaire, Crown and Glory. Shauna is a graphic designer and Creative Director of Branch, as well as co-founder of The Blogcademy, which consequently has the best branding I've ever seen! Her blog posts about her home are my absolute favourite. There was a recent one about her new bathroom which I especially loved. Being nosey and looking at other people's houses is a little hobby of mine :) Her 'week in pictures' posts are also awesome and Shauna's style of photography is impeccable.

Again, I discovered Megan's 'Briar Rose Blog' through Sophie at Crown and Glory. Her Disney themed wedding was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Such a well thought out theme, but not too over the top. Anyway, I love seeing her home decor in her photographs and the way she puts beautiful, unapologetically girly outfits together. If statement costume jewellery, pastels and all things kitch are your thing... You really need to go check her out.

Lily Pebbles is another recent discovery of mine through YouTube. She is good friends with Anna of Vivianna Does Makeup and their style is fairly similar. I particularly love the way she does her hair and have recently been trying mine in a similar centre-parting wavy style. Anyway, any girl who is a lover of makeup and a new fitness buff is someone who's blog posts I want to read.

6. EJ Style
I've been following Emma's blog for a while. She posts so often, so I can always be sure that when I check in, there'll be a new post or three. Her style is a little more edgy than mine, but still quite classic. She has some beautifully tailored pieces and manages to get the perfect mix of high end and high street pieces... Her OOTD posts are great and the photographs are so clear.

7. Thunder & Threads
The face of Thunder & Threads, Leanne Woodfull has a more alternative style to mine. I love reading her outfit and style posts, they remind me of the clothes I used to wear in college. She's a kind of 'modern goth'. Think lots of leather, brothel creepers, checked shirts and biker boots. Whilst I don't necessarily get any style tips from her blog, I still like to check in every now and again just to see what outfit she's rocking... If I was 17 again and still in my little all girl band, I'd love to dress like this :)

8. She Wears Fashion
Again another more alternative blog I read. Kavita's fashion sense is a lot edgier than my own, but I love watching the way she styles certain pieces in a very different way. Also the fact that she's from Sheffield and most of her outfit posts are shot in the city. Being a Northern girl myself it makes me feel all nostalgic about home :)

9. At Fashion Forte
The style blog of Rosie Fortescue from Made in Chelsea... I got fed up of searching online every time I watched MIC and wanted to find an item that Rosie was wearing, so I was so thrilled when I found this. It's less of a blog, more of just a style diary. I love to check in every few days to see what she's wearing. Some of her outfits are a little OTT for my liking, but with her celebrity status I think she can rock them more than the average lady.

10. Fleur de Force
Again... A YouTube discovery! Fleur's blog mostly links through to her YouTube videos or has posts promoting products, but I still love it. Her simplistic style of make up is lovely and her skincare reviews are the most helpful things ever. She does use a lot of high end products which I just can't justify spending the money on, but hey... We can all dream right? Anyway, you have to watch Fleur's wedding video. It's beautiful and the soundtrack is one of my favourite soppy songs.

I realise I have cheated a little and that most of these blogs connect with YouTube channels which I love and subscribe to. I watch a lot of YouTube videos whilst I'm editing photos at work. It can sometimes be a long and pretty laborious job, so having something to entertain me whilst I do it is perfect.

But whilst I like to watch a good video, I also love to read a little blog post every now and again. There's something about looking at stills... Maybe that's why I'm a photographer :)

Thanks for reading.