Thursday 13 February 2014

valentine's OOTD.

I just wanted to do a very quick post to show you all what I'll be wearing for Valentine's.
It's one of my favourite occasions... Although saying that, I pretty much love every special occasion because most of them involve food of some form. But this one being based around chocolates and flowers, what's not to love!
Even before I met Gareth I used to love seeing all the pretty pink and red sweeties and chocolates in the shops and if you're single, it's such a good excuse for a night out with the girls.

I've bought him a little something which I won't reveal on here... Just in case he reads this. But I'm so excited to see him open it. I'll instagram a picture of it tomorrow, so make sure you're following me on there.

So tomorrow night Gareth is taking me out for dinner to a gorgeous restaurant near Hitchin. We've been there once before on a double date and really liked it, so thought we would give it a whirl again.
I'll let you know how the food is.

Here is what I'll be wearing...

Cardigan: New Look
Crop Top: New Look
Skirt: Topshop
Necklace: New Look
Heels: Christian Louboutin Pigalle from Net a porter

My beautiful Loubs... I have worn these twice in my life,
they are THE MOST uncomfortable shoes ever

A New Look necklace which I customised 
by removing the extra chains...
And by I, I mean Gareth

I have purple pastel nails tonight, but I might swap them for coral pink tomorrow.
This ones a Barry M shade which I adore,
I don't think they sell it any more but here is a similar one

Please excuse my crude photography. Whilst I am a photographer by trade... I am not used to photographing myself at all! I'm sure I will improve with a little practice.

Anyway, I've tried to keep my outfit fairly girly whilst staying true to my slightly alternative edge. Let me know what you think of it in the comments below.
I haven't decided on a handbag or make up yet, these are things I will most probably be doing in a mad rush after work tomorrow night. I'll try and instagram a photo of the final look before we go out, so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading :)

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