Saturday 28 February 2015

exciting news.

Hello strangers! So I haven’t blogged for bloody ages... Sorryyyyyyy. It’s been a manic few months, which kicked off with some really exciting news… Gareth asked me to marry him!
I wanted to write about our story, not only to share it with you… But also, so that it’s written down somewhere and that I might come across it again in fifty years time or so. I’m sure it will make me feel just as excited and soppy then, as I do now. It’s quite long (sorry), so bear with me.

Those of you who know me, will know that I’ve been with Gareth for over four years now. In fact, our first date was exactly four years ago when we got engaged on Wednesday 13thAugust 2014.
We met through my old flatmate Amy… Who met Gareth and his friends on a very random drunken night out in Hitchin. It’s not the most romantic of stories, but I love it anyway.
She and her friend Laura were in a bar taking selfies, as we all do 
 and one of Gareth’s friends asked if they wanted him to take the photo. The two groups got chatting, resulting in the lads coming back to our flat for the evening… I was in bed asleep, wondering what the hell was going on and who all these lads were that I could hear in our flat haha?!
The next day, Amy told me a tale about a really great bunch of guys who she and Laura had met. Apparently they were all into films and had some great conversations about their favourites.
So a few weeks later, in May 2010, Amy invited the lads to meet me, her and Laura on another night out in Hitchin. It was then that I first laid eyes on my husband to be.
I spent most of the evening chatting to his friends, but he came across as the mysterious and quiet guy who loved watching Glee! I remember making a joke about his sexuality and poking fun at him for being into it.
After that, we did a LOT of chatting via Facebook… I used to stay up until stupid hours of the morning talking to him. We had no internet either, so I used to tether my phone to my laptop and use the data from that… Sorry for the massive bills Dad, but it was so worth it!
I actually asked him on a date and right from the moment we met that night, just the two of us, in Pizza Express in Hitchin… I knew he was the one. Everything was so easy, there was no game playing… We were totally honest with each other and totally smitten.
Fast forward to four years later… We’ve shared some very happy memories, bought a house together and I got a random text from him saying ‘Do you want to go out on the 13thAugust?’.
It took me a moment to remember why the 13th was special to us, but of course I wanted to go on an anniversary date night.
We usually choose our date night restaurants together, but this time Gareth said he would choose somewhere special and book it… So I had a little alarm bell ringing already.
The day we got engaged I had butterflies all day. I planned my outfit and made sure I had a nice pretty manicure, just in case! My boss even pulled my leg about it and I tried to play it cool, saying he probably wouldn’t ask the all important question.
So anyway, after work I got ready to go out… And got into the car to our mystery destination.
He had given me a little clue, saying he had to wear a shirt and jacket, so I had a sneaky suspicion we were off to Luton Hoo… And I was correct.
We had a beautiful four course meal there in the Wernher Restaurant, with a little glass of champagne to calm my nerves. It got to the end of the meal, he paid the bill and I thought to myself that maybe I was wrong, he would have done it by now. We decided to leave and I popped to the loo before we got in the car, so did he.
I ended up waiting for Gareth in the very fancy foyer at the bottom of a very grand stair case. He came in and took me by both hands… The next bit was a bit of a blur, I remember some very shaky hands from him and a very fast beating heart from me… And the words ‘I can’t imagine my life without you’ before he got down on one knee, whilst taking a very shiny ring out of his top jacket pocket and saying the words ‘Would you do me the honour of being my wife?’
I definitely said yes, followed by what I think was ‘of course I will’, whilst trying not to burst into floods of tears.
My ring is absolutely stunning and whilst it was a little too big, I was so relieved he could fit it onto my finger. I can honestly say that this was one of the happiest days of my life… I still get a little emosh thinking about it and writing this post.
So here we are six months later… We’re getting married on Friday 1st May 2015! Most of it is planned, there are just little details to iron out. But I will obviously keep you up to date with a post all about our special day when it comes around. I can’t wait to stand up in front of all of the people who we care about and say those magic words :)

Thanks for reading.